Thursday, 2 January 2014

2 planes and 24 hours...

One of the main worries about going travelling on your own is will you meet anyone to talk to? Or will you be talking to yourself the whole time...? I decided to buy myself a glass of champagne at the airport (I'm not posh, they had run out of prosecco...) when I noticed the guy next to me was drinking beer and coffee, a sure fire conversation starter.. It turned out he had just spend New Years in Prague and was trying to stay awake for his flight back to Canada. We nearly missed both our flights, not realising there was a train to the  gate.. Oops! Then I got on the plane and sat next to a lady that had a pink zebra print head cushion.. Hello! That's another sure fire winner in my book. Opening line..'oh, I'm obsessed with zebra print!' She was lovely and like me also had one brother and one nephew and she lived in Miami and gave me some fab advice on where to go and how to get around. So not much talking to myself as yet... I arrived in Lima at 5am this morning and I don't check in for my next flight till 7.30pm so I'm working my way round the restaurants and doing my best hanging out whilst keeping a very close eye on my bags. Had my first embarrassing 'Spanish' conversation. I thought the lady was asking where I was leaving Lima for... But she actually just wanted my table!! Best get the phrase book back out!!! Only 24 hours and 2 more flights to go!! Yes!! 

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